VIP German Shepherd Dogs
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Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Gears of War 3 – Epic Achievement Completion Guide with Video | RipTen Videogame Blog
This game is the best I've seen in years. Top notch graphics and gameplay. Total package !
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Living !
Living !
Stars shine and ties that bind,
looking into space with no time to waste.
We control lives as time goes by,
slowly ,surely, timeless...time.
Who is blind with eyes that shine,
a dog looks up with a ruff.
Children agree which one is tough.
Cold winds blowing,
burning embers glowing,
mountaintops grow cold
as people grow old.
Spinning slowly, churning
objects sit still as the world is turning.
Sitting back ,comfy and cosy, drinking bloody Mary's,
John,Paul and George waiting for crazy Larry.
Blacks,whites,yellows and reds,
different colored pills we take to ease our heads.
Today is today, the past is past.
Live righteous and good,tomorrow comes fast
Stars shine and ties that bind,
looking into space with no time to waste.
We control lives as time goes by,
slowly ,surely, timeless...time.
Who is blind with eyes that shine,
a dog looks up with a ruff.
Children agree which one is tough.
Cold winds blowing,
burning embers glowing,
mountaintops grow cold
as people grow old.
Spinning slowly, churning
objects sit still as the world is turning.
Sitting back ,comfy and cosy, drinking bloody Mary's,
John,Paul and George waiting for crazy Larry.
Blacks,whites,yellows and reds,
different colored pills we take to ease our heads.
Today is today, the past is past.
Live righteous and good,tomorrow comes fast
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Teen gets 5 years for attack on transgender woman at McDonald’s
Teen gets 5 years for attack on transgender woman at McDonald’s:
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What the hell is wrong with kids now days. At least she got some kind of punishment from it.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Remember the Fallen 911
Remember the Fallen, 911
On that gloomy September day,
America was attacked so savagely.
You would have thought we were in a fight we could not win,
but we pulled ourselves together and became one nation again.
The good lord knows how we helped each other,
two strange men were seen helping one another.
It brought a tear to my eye,
to see that kindness has never died.
That we could help each other like brothers,
americans dont turn our backs in times like these,
we grow a little stronger ,to help those in need.
Remember the fallen, all the brave women and men,
hard times are calling,americans once again.
You cant keep an american down for long,
we'll jump right in ur face and tell you that you're wrong.
Those Qaeda dogs are cowards you know,
well I'm here to tell them they can blow...this.
Damn that Osama got what was coming,
an american bullet,and man it was humming.
Shot that Coward right between the eyes,
Now he can go to hell and claim his prize.
Remember the fallen, all the brave women and men,
hard times are calling,americans once again.
For all the good people that died that day,
men,women and children for all we prayed.
Never will America be brought down,
we always stick together like one big-ass town.
So all you terrorist's can go to hell,
cause the U.S.Military has got plenty of shells.
And shoot them we will at your cowardly asses,
and it will be you in big grave masses.
Remember the fallen, all the brave women and men,
hard times are calling,americans once again.
On that gloomy September day,
America was attacked so savagely.
You would have thought we were in a fight we could not win,
but we pulled ourselves together and became one nation again.
The good lord knows how we helped each other,
two strange men were seen helping one another.
It brought a tear to my eye,
to see that kindness has never died.
That we could help each other like brothers,
americans dont turn our backs in times like these,
we grow a little stronger ,to help those in need.
Remember the fallen, all the brave women and men,
hard times are calling,americans once again.
You cant keep an american down for long,
we'll jump right in ur face and tell you that you're wrong.
Those Qaeda dogs are cowards you know,
well I'm here to tell them they can blow...this.
Damn that Osama got what was coming,
an american bullet,and man it was humming.
Shot that Coward right between the eyes,
Now he can go to hell and claim his prize.
Remember the fallen, all the brave women and men,
hard times are calling,americans once again.
For all the good people that died that day,
men,women and children for all we prayed.
Never will America be brought down,
we always stick together like one big-ass town.
So all you terrorist's can go to hell,
cause the U.S.Military has got plenty of shells.
And shoot them we will at your cowardly asses,
and it will be you in big grave masses.
Remember the fallen, all the brave women and men,
hard times are calling,americans once again.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Darkness Follows .
Darkness Follows
Unsuspecting,quiet and dark,
not like winters bark.
Stench blows through the air,
troubles,emotions and heirs.
Dust ,dirty and gray,
people hope it will not come today.
Oh but someday,someday it will come,
it is eminent so dont be glum.
So dont worry about any blight,
you will not see it,you have no sight.
Like winters cold touch on your skin,
it is chilling and dark,like a dragons den.
In days of life you hope to win,
but bettered be prepared to account your sins.
Whisked away by a thief in the night,
hold your friends close and your family tight.
I will come for you all fast and sure,
not just the wicked but also the pure.
Quess my name if you can,
for I will not hide from any man.
It will be your last breath,
I am the one and only death.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
The Sun and the Moon.
Sunlight, it shines so bright
all things are clear in the day. Moonlight, though it's at night it still shines in a different way. How we feel in the Sun, all happy and energized. By the light of the Moon, we feel mesmerized. Near the river is a tree, by day its colorful and alive. At night its dark and cold, but somehow seems to thrive. In the light our energy is real, all is right with the world. In the dark sometimes we squeal, as though life has unfurled. The day is filled with delight and hope. The night is time to relax and cope. |
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